Virtual OfficeBusinessAddress with operating Business address and /or Registered
Business Address for postal mail and mail forwarding if required
Virtual OfficePhone Answering Service message passing and your own extension at
home in office hours.
Virtual OfficePack and Dispatch service for your products a full service from order
taking storage of your stock and pack and dispatch to you clients.
Stock Storageand Control with office hour Access
Accountancy and Company Registration Service advice to keep you on track with Tax
and Company Law issues.
Non Exec Director Service and Company Secretary to make running your business easier
Printing and Design Service for your Business Cards, Flyers Posters and Banners as
well as a design service that will help you develop you corporate image.
IT Hardware and Software support Service for your Business systems along with IP
phone service which can keep you on top of your IT and your own extension at home
or where ever you are.
Human Resources advice and consultation with phone advice online support as well
as personnel representation when you require it.
Network Development Services to get you the business you deserve and need to progress
and survive.
Media Editorials for Local News Papers and Radio. We have contacts and bulk purchase
agreements with most of the leading Media in the South of United Kingdom
Business Utility saving programs to save you between 10 and 20% on your Basic Bills
including Gas, Electric, Landlines, Broadband and Mobiles.
Company pre paid Master card service that can give you real discounts at Partner
Suppliers to keep you overheads down
Sponsorship and affiliate Marketing Programs
Secure Storage with 24 hour Access
If any of these services are something that may interest you or you may know others
that this may help. I work on monthly subscription fees to cover our base costs and
small commissions payable on results as and where your business benefits from our
service it’s as simple as that. I will also find ways of reducing your overheads
and improve your technological advantage in these testing times.
What’s more use our services for 6 months and refer us to others and when they stay
with us for 6 months you will get a further 10% discounts on all the services you
have with ABC.
Sign up 10 customers to ABC with same value as your custom and get yours absolutely
“free” when they have been with us for 6 months.